Saturday, February 29, 2020

Applications of Total Quality Management Essay Example for Free

Applications of Total Quality Management Essay Total Quality Management (TQM) is a philosophy of management that strives to make the best use of all available resources and opportunities through continuous improvement. TQM means achieving quality in terms of all functions of the enterprise. Many researchers attempted to analyze how IT and TQM can jointly add value to organizations and the purpose of this first post on TQM is to evaluate the practicality of TQM in an IT service. In this evaluation, a balance of the service management needs with the reality of bottom-line effectiveness is provided. The post also provides a list of critical success factors to consider in a change management initiative engaged by an IT service. The essence of quality is to do it right the first time, and to satisfy customer requirements every time by involving everyone in the organization. The works of Crosby and his colleagues on the evolution of TQM cut across all pervasive philosophies of management. TQM has been a key business improvement strategy since the 1970s, as it has been deemed essential for improving efficiency and competitiveness. TQM aims to achieve an overall effectiveness which is higher than the individual outputs from the sub-systems such as design, planning, production, distribution, customer focus strategy, quality tools and employee involvement. This philosophy of management strives to make the best use of all available resources and opportunities through continuous improvement. As a management philosophy, TQM makes use of particular set of principles, practices, and techniques to expand business and profits and provides a bypass to enhanced productivity by avoiding rework, rejects, waste, customer complaints, and high cost. This can be achieved by emphasizing the organization’s commitment from data-driven, problem-solving approaches to quality accruing. The five basic pillars of TQM are : a) top management commitment for quality enhancement, b) customer centric advancements of processes and building a long-lasting trustworthy relationship between the organization and the customer, c) relentless development by setting goals and deadlines, d) benchmarking with several specific tools and quality-adding techniques, and e) strengthening the employee base by concentrating at any stage of a process on quality, where customer satisfaction is stationed. Table 1 provides a summary of the key dimensions that constitute TQM. 1. Top management leadership : Top management commitment is one of the major determinants of successful TQM implementation. Top management has to be the first in applying and stimulating the TQM approach, and they have to accept the maximum responsibility for the product and service offering. Top management also has to provide the necessary leadership to motivate all employees. 2. Customer relationships : The needs of customers and consumers and their satisfaction should always be in the mind of all employees. It is necessary to identify these needs and their level of satisfaction. 3. Supplier relationships : Quality is a more important factor than price in selecting suppliers. Long-term relationship with suppliers has to be established and the company has to collaborate with suppliers to help improve the quality of products/services. 4. Workforce management : Workforce management has to be guided by the principles of: training, empowerment of workers and teamwork. Adequate plans of personnel recruitment and training have to be implemented and workers need the necessary skills to participate in the improvement process. 5. Product design process : All departments have to participate in the design process and work together to achieve a design that satisfies the requirements of the customer, which should be according to the technical, technological and cost constraints of the company. 6. Process flow management : Housekeeping along the lines of the 5S concept. Statistical and non-statistical improvement instruments should be applied as appropriate. Processes need to be mistake proof. Self-inspection undertaken using clear work instructions. The process has to be maintained under statistical control. 7. Quality data and reporting : Quality information has to be readily available and the information should be part of the visible management system. Records about quality indicators have to be kept, including scrap, rework, and cost of quality. TQM and Change Management Initiative for IT Performance : A business firm achieves world-class status when it has successfully developed operational capabilities through TQM to support the entire company in gaining a sustained overall performance over its competitors. Although there is insufficient statistical evidence to conclude significant simple relationships between TQM and IT services quality performance, many studies investigated the notion that TQM practices provide approaches to improve the economic position in the service sectors in general. Both IT and TQM had, and will continue to have a significant impact on most organizations. I only regret the lack of empirical research on the relationship between the two and how they both relate to business performance. Applications of Total Quality Management. (2016, Nov 15).

Thursday, February 13, 2020

Managing Cultural Diversity in the Workplace Environment Essay

Managing Cultural Diversity in the Workplace Environment - Essay Example Cultural diversity refers to people belonging to diverse cultures working in one organisation, which is rampant in Singapore because of its history of immigrants and also due to its growing economic prospects. The present discourse focuses on the way Singapore manages its cultural diversity. The topic explores various governmental initiatives as well as organisational policies towards diversity management in this region. During the process, a critical view of the policies and practices and their impact on other aspects of organisational performance would be placed to assess the effectiveness of the policies and practices. Moreover, possible recommendations to tackle these challenges would be suggested based on organisational practices. 2. Background: While the effects of globalization have been so profound that all organisations have to adapt to the changes, diversity is one of the strategies adopted for sustainability and performance. This reflects in their policies and practices wi th respect to human resources management. Though the western countries adopted this route much earlier, it is relatively newer concept in most of the Eastern nations (Mor-Barack, 2005). This does not mean that the Eastern nations did not employ people from different cultures and ethnic groups; but just that the organisations have started adopting policies and practices to encourage and, to an extent, suit multicultural and diverse populations during last few decades. The most important requirement for managing diversity comes from equal rights act and policies congruent with this act, which create favourable social, legal and organisational environment to all groups of people. Secondly, organisational policies and practices that encourage and support diversified workforce. 3. Rationale: Globalization has provided extraordinary benefits to organisations, which has enticed many organisations to enter the global market. This has further increased the numbers of people from different ba ckgrounds, cultures, races and ethnic groups to work together at different locations. On the other hand, organisations in some sectors are known to have moved to other places in order to flourish because the legislation there was more conducive to their strategies; for example, Singapore has relaxed legislation related to bioresearch, unlike in the Western countries. Many Western bioresearch organisations shifted their base to Singapore (Huat, 2011). Much before such movements, Singapore is known for cultural diversity because it was established because of immigrants from different parts of the world, which created a plural and highly diverse and ethnic society (Chen-Tung, Ong & Chen, 1980). With such high cultural diversity, Singapore is one of the most advanced and flourished nations in the Asia-Pacific region. Many reasons make Singapore as the focus of discussion related to management of cultural diversity in organisations. The immense industrial growth in Singapore suggests tha t workplace diversity, specifically cultural diversity, is being managed effectively; this fact is further reinforced by the immense movement that is continuing, and potential that still exists in this part of the world. Secondly, Singapore hosts a variety of cultural mix, which makes it even more difficult for diversity management for organisations if they have to cater to the cultural differences of all groups that are a part of them. At least these two critical reasons are enough to explore

Saturday, February 1, 2020

Zeitoun by Dave Eggers Understanding Hurricane Katrina Essay

Zeitoun by Dave Eggers Understanding Hurricane Katrina - Essay Example In a single story, Dave Eggers depicts the countless tales of trauma during and after the Hurricane Katrina, in the book Zeitoun. This paper critically examines how Eggers’ narrative in Zeitoun affects the understanding of Hurricane Katrina based on my own experiences with those depicted in the text and how they coincide with the event. Zeitoun is a contemporary nonfiction masterpiece that illustrates the devastating effects of Hurricane Katrina. In the book, Abdulrahman Zeitoun is an American Muslim, born and grown up in Syria before settling in the U.S. Zeitoun married Cathy, a native Louisiana Muslim. When Hurricane Katrina began, Zeitoun sends his family to Baton Rouge. Zeitoun stays behind to watch over his home and business. After the devastating storm, Zeitoun crosses the submerged city in a canoe helping trapped people. Zeitoun and two friends are arrested by law enforcement agents in the ensuing counterterrorism efforts. While Zeitoun experienced poor treatment in the hands of the security officers, the book gives clear picture of prison injustices met on the basis of discrimination. A critical analysis of the novel reveals that the author’s main themes relates to racism and the importance of family relationships in post-disaster efforts. With specific regard to the Hurricane Katrina, the book exposes the reader to the government inefficiencies and flaws in handling the disaster. In particular, the book explores the consequences of government inefficiencies such as prison injustices, discrimination and breaking of family ties. Litman (2006) argues that every disaster presents unique problems, and that Katina began with hurricane leading to civil disorder and isolation of people (2). The handling of the Hurricane Katrina has been criticized for various reasons. The Center of Progressive Reform (2005) argues that Katrina was foreseeable but emergency response planning and implementation efforts were poor (6). Although the book does may not paint a complete picture of the post-disaster management exercise, it exposes how long-running government inefficiencies could be exacerbated during disaster management and the consequences such inadequacies have on individuals and families. The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) was mandated in overseeing both the preparation and response to the disaster. The book shows how FEMA could have lost its focus on mitigating natural disaster. On one hand, the book exposes how efforts from civilian volunteers could have helped in disaster response efforts. This is especially important considering that federal assistance was delayed for many days after the disaster. Criticisms have been raised against the leadership in disaster management. While there was communication breakdown, civilian volunteers could have had an impact in rescuing trapped people. The book uncovers the impact of prison injustices in the investigations of the terror threats following the Hurricane Katrina. For in stance, Zeitoun and other men are arrested and transferred to Hunt correctional facilities while no appropriate charges are preferred. This is especially important because the Zeitoun is not allowed to contact his family or friends. Egger says â€Å"Zeitoun had not been charged with a crime†¦.he did not know why he was being held†¦.in a small room surrounded by soldiers in camouflage demanding he removes his clothes’ (226). From the outset, this statement exposes the violation of human rights issues during the post-Katrina events. The author continues â€Å"