Thursday, October 31, 2019
Critically discuss how HR Business Partner can add value to the IT Assignment
Critically discuss how HR Business Partner can add value to the IT Department - Assignment Example People working at an organization contribute individually and collectively in achieving the objective of the organization. Human resource employees form an integral part of each and every level and department of the company, may it be Finance and Accounting, Operations, Marketing and Sales, or Information Technology (Smith, 2008). Now a days, Information Technology Department is a must part of every organization. It introduces the emerging technologies to reduce the cost, limit the workforce and provide the most innovative and cost effective services and products to the clients. IT Department is not a knowledge management or a policy making office, which tells which information is correct. It provides the operating parameters for the operating units as well as the individualsââ¬â¢ use of information technology systems, architects, networks, etc. Moreover, it stores and secures the electronic information that the organization owns, ad with provides direct operating support in softw are use and data management to all the functional areas of the organization. Information technology has become a part of our daily lives; no organisation can survive without it. It is significant for employees of the company to share the objectives, strategies and plans with co-workers and colleagues. The internet technology has made this information sharing possible, in a cost effective and efficient manner. The telephones are modified as Cell Phones which increase the flexibility in communication and one can contact the other person in no time. Instead of face to face meetings, many contracts are made through internet and sometimes on the cell phones. By using the networking sites, the leaders (CEO and top management) can approach the subordinates whenever necessary. The networking system can also be used to receive news and updates by the workers. Blogs and social bookmarking is one of the cheapest ways of getting feedback from the customers. These sites can be used for promotion and positioning purposes and to determine what changes do the customers desire in the product or service offered by the company. New technology has decentralised the organizations and resulted in a flatter organisational pyramid. The number of management levels has decreased as technology helps filling the gap between top management and workers. All the employees are encouraged to give new ideas and suggestions for improvement. (Mullins, 2004) With advantages, there always some disadvantages. People are becoming very technological based and very much dependent on it. It can be very damaging for the society as IT is taking away the organic ideas and natural thoughts. Till now, we humans are administrating the computer technology but a day may come when the technology will administrate. It may happen that we become the slave to the technology. IT department plays a significant role in integrating the different departments in the organization. The HR Business Partner can add real valu e to the IT department as they have comprehensive knowledge of the business and ability to quickly identify gaps between the operations of internal client. It is very important for an organization to improvise their products and services according to the needs and demands of their customers. Whenever there is any kind of change; from change in policies to change in the strategies or even a change in product to create differentiation and better suit the customers, Department of
Monday, October 28, 2019
Pharmacy School Personal Statement Essay Example for Free
Pharmacy School Personal Statement Essay As one of the aspiring pharmacists in the country, my personal and career goal is to be in line with the top-rated practitioners in pharmacy. Hence, it has always been my dream to serve the public, most specially those who are sick and in need of appropriate pharmaceutical assistance. I am aware of the fact that this career demands more of my time because serving these people matters the most. As such, I can say that the work environment in this occupation would never be easy. Moreover, as a postulant in this line of work, I hold on to my oath by rendering quality services for those people who require pharmaceutical aid. As one of the aspiring professionals in pharmacy, I am well guided by my mission and desire to render my quality service for the patients and for this profession. Likewise, assisting people with their pharmaceutical requirements in the most effectual way is one of the most efficient sources of motivation in performance of my duties and responsibilities as medical personnel. Certainly, witnessing people and patients receive the ample service they deserve serves as my primary source of inspiration to move forward and feel optimistic in this field. Ever since I was young, my dream of being a pharmacist in the future is clearly evident as I usually envision of this dream every time my mother gave me medicine to take when I am sick and eventually I would feel a lot better after being administered with the correct type and dosage. Since then, the question of how such specific medicine could work in the human body to cure diseases and other health problems had guided me to find out more about pharmacy. In addition to this, I just attended a program in University of Texas at Arlington and received quality training that would definitely be helpful for me. Apart from this, my enthusiasm in pharmacy is already evident during my younger days as I have broad interest in science. As such, I have been through different formal courses about science in order to improve my medical capabilities and broaden my knowledge, skills, and abilities, which could definitely help me in the achievement of my goal in the field of pharmacy. Particularly, I would state that I am ready to undergo the rigorous training under the doctoral degree program in pharmacy in consideration of my work ethics and actual hours of rendering pharmaceutical services. Thus, I acquired useful and relevant experiences in pharmacy through my former training where I worked as a pharmacy technician. Thus, through these experiences I learned how to work closely with my colleague in achieving a unified goal in pharmacy. Nonetheless, this actual work had taught me how to get along with the patients that I consider a key factor to achieve success in the work place. As I undergo a series of actual pharmaceutical practices, it is perceived that these practical experiences have taught me meaningful insights for this specific line of work. Apart from being well-equipped with formal academic knowledge in pharmacy, being into various actual pharmaceutical practices has helped me well in improving and developing my sense of responsibility and enthusiasm as a pharmacist. Hence, this opportunity to work as a pharmacy technician had given me the chance to experienced valuable actual practices that would be advantageous for me when the time comes that I apply for doctoral degree program in pharmacy. In addition to this, getting involved in various civic activities that has the goal of helping other people enables me to combine work, passion, and volunteerism. Nonetheless, I am given the sense of pride and worth through these activities. In the end, in able to achieve this specific goal of mine, I accept the fact that I have to undergone formal doctoral pharmacy degree. Certainly, I truly believe that through this higher level of learning, I would be able to acquire necessary knowledge that could help me in improving and developing positive characteristics in order to become an outstanding and well-rounded pharmacist. Nonetheless, I hereby submit myself to receive the needed degree in pharmacy in aid of my pursuance to my career and personal goal.
Saturday, October 26, 2019
Jewish worship, prayer, and instruction
Jewish worship, prayer, and instruction Class Lectures Name and discuss three elements of Jewish worship practice that have influenced Christian worship. First of all, Jewish worship, prayer, and instruction was opened the service with praise. They praised God to honor Him. The first record of praise was the Moses and Miriams Praise when they crossed the Red Sea. Miriams praise was dancing and playing the tambourine. Second element is speaking of prayer. Jewish people expressed Gods love, and prayed for Gods blessing for their needs. Final element is instruction. The instruction emphasized the Scripture Reading. The congregation read the Laws and the Prophets and the scripture lessons were stated in the vernacular language. List four of the festivals celebrated by Israel in the Old Testament along with their corresponding observance in the Church Year. Sukkoth- The Feast of Tabernacles. This was celebrated within the months of September / October and is comparable with Thanksgiving. Hanukkah-The Festival of Lights. It is celebrated in December and often falls close to Christmas. Hanukkah and Christmas share other similarities such as gift giving. Passover-Remembrance of the Israelites deliverance out of Egypt. It usually happens in March/ April and is closely tied to Easter. The Lords Supper was a Passover meal. Pentecost-The Jewish celebration 50 days after Passover. It occurs in May or June. The first Christian Pentecost took place on this Jewish holiday. What is the Church Year? Discuss in detail the major celebrations of the Church Year. The Church Year is an official set of worship services and observances outlining the earthly life and ministry of Jesus. It is used to teach church history and doctrine and serves as a reminder of these elements. Concerning the tradition of the Western church, Hustad remarks that the year can be broken into two parts: the Life of Christ and The Christian Life, which the church would refer to as the Proper of the Mass and the Ordinary of the Mass, respectively. The life of Christ is remembered from Advent through Easter. Pentecost would then be the beginning of The Christian Life, with the emphasis on the ministries and missions of the church. Advent. Hustad lists this as the start of the Western Liturgical Year. The Advent Season begins four Sundays prior to Christmas. On the surface, it looks to commemorate the events leading to the birth of Christ, but it also focuses on all of Christs reign, both past, present and future. Christmas. Christmas was introduced into the liturgy of the Roman church sometime during the Fourth Century. The date of December 25th was the last day of a pagan Roman celebration known as Saturnalia. As many pagans had been converted and brought into the church, the church claimed the date as being Jesus birth to Christianize the feast. In reality, Jesus birth is more likely to have occurred in early spring. The choice of December 25th also puts the celebration of Christmas in relation to the Jewish celebration of the Feast of Light, Hanukkah. Epiphany. This begins January 6th and continues until Ash Wednesday. The term comes from Greek, meaning appearance and commemorates the beginning of Jesus earthly ministry, as well as the arrival of the wise men to Bethlehem. Ash Wednesday. This is the beginning of the season of Lent, forty days prior to Easter. It is a call to repentance, remembering the sackcloth and ashes response of the Old Testament. Lent. The season covers forty days prior to prior Easter. It is a time of repentance and remembrance of Jesus forty days of temptation in the wilderness and prepares the hearts of believers for the events of Holy Week. Holy Week. These are the most detailed days of the life of Jesus in all of the Gospels. Including the events of Palm Sunday, the week is a reminder of the final days of Jesus earthly ministry. During this week, among many other things, Jesus institutes the Lords Supper, prays and is betrayed in the Garden of Gethsemane, is brought before Pilate and led to Golgotha for His crucifixion and then burial. Easter. This is the keystone day of all history. Hustad remarks that Easter is often referred to as the Christian Passover. It parallels the Jewish Passover celebration and is the focal point of Christianity. Paul reminds believers of the importance of the Resurrection in 1 Corinthians 15:14, And if Christ is not risen, then our preaching is empty and your faith is also empty. Pentecost. This is so-named from the Jewish festival of First Fruits, which occurs fifty days after Passover. It is the birthday of the church, the day of the coming of the Holy Spirit. List the three major reformers of the 16th Century and summarize the philosophy of church music of each one. Evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of each reformers philosophy of church music. Luther, Cranmer, and Calvin were the three major reformers of the 16th century. Luther who loves the use of music in worship is one of important figure in the Reformation. He accepted the doctrine of believer-priesthood. He also translated Bible language into German, so congregation could understand more about Bible. He used music to represent Gods Word. There are three aspects which are liturgical, biblical, and educational approach in his philosophy of church music. He used various music styles in the church and from Gregorian chants to secular tune were used for music. Strengths of music can be found in Lutheran worship. The music led congregation to participate in worship. The congregation could experience various style of music from the old one such as Gregorian chant to the new songs composed by their 5 own languages. People could know through music about the Gods word and His instruction. The weakness of music in Lutheran worship is limitation of the use of organ, so people used their voice to sing hymns without accompaniment. One the other hand, Calvins philosophy of church music is to focus only on Gods Word. Therefore, the glory of God can be expressed by Gods Word. He who emphasized on only Bible thought music is harmful in worship. In other words, his opinion was that people in worship can be distracted by music. As a result, he limited the use of music in worship completely. He focused on the Word of God, so only psalms can be sung in worship in his time, not hymns. The people only could praise God with Gods Word in worship. As they could not use the musical instruments, so worship was very dry in the church. Cranmer who was an important figure in English liturgy accepted a Protestant style than Roman style into English liturgy. He wanted to have congregational singing in worship. Calvin influenced on the music in Cranmers time about speaking of music. Therefore, people could sing Calvinistic metrical and add to sing psalms, anthems, and canticles with Book of Common Prayer in worship. Therefore, the Calvinistic influence on the music in Cranmers time made similarity to strengths and weakness of Calvins philosophy of church music. Discuss the role of music in worship, nurture, and outreach. What types or styles of music are most suitable for each? Why? God is the center of the triangle, he is the focus of the worship, edification and outreach Worship Ministry always begins with God His glory and satisfaction primary. Music of worship should emphasize the Trinity, salvation. Worship is needed for the sake of feeding of His Word, encouraging brothers and sisters in Christ, and forgiveness of our sins. Nurture Ministry is demonstrated within the community of faith with the love and edification of Gods people-brotherly love and mutual benefit. Music of edification is an incredible tool in teaching and in bringing people together. This brings fellowship. Rocks polish each other. Church is like a tumbler and rocks bump into each other and get refined: bad rocks becomes powder, good rocks become more glistening. If you deny church, you forfeit the chance of refining. Abrasive Word of God refines. That is the reason that the law of church is love and forgiveness. Paul mentions togetherness and community (Rom. 12:1-2) and this is the essence of church. It includes ass aspects of education, discipleship, teaching doctrine, even the counterpart of the doctrine. Outreach Ministry continues by impacting the unbelieving world with the witness of the Gospel and everyones need to know Christ in a personal way. Music of evangelism is not the same as music of worship or edification. The center here is the Gospel: you need to be born-again to meet Jesus. It should be the music of culture that you are going to reach. The saved people will bring music of worship to God. Discuss ways that music can prepare a church for evangelism. Give examples of some specific activities that can help the church to evangelize the lost. To witness is to reach the whole world to the vicinity. Non-verbal communication express more than verbal. Walking should proceed the talking. If life does not show one cannot be a witness or witness. People would not be converted by that witness; moreover, it will disprove what were saying. Evangelical worship music should be both objective and subjective, expressing our awesome wonder and praise of God who is above and beyond our imagination and also our love of, and communion with, God in Jesus Christ who lives in us through the Holy Spirit. Jubilate II: Church Music in Worship and Renewal by Donald Hustad How does Hustad define: 1) high art church music, 2) traditional church music, 3) folk music, and 4) popular church music? Compare and contrast these styles and discuss the potential usefulness of each in the life of the church. (59-61) High art church music, which is also called as classical or serious music, represents the well (or best) identified liturgical music through history by recognized art critics who have the high knowledge about standard aesthetics in their academic/aesthetic community. High art church music is not for everybody but for very limited people who has abundant knowledge in aesthetics. Traditional church music is the liturgical music which is simple and easy in style and form but originated from high art music. The term can be also used for the music just for liturgy in church. Folk music means the music including a common understanding in a community and orally carried over in the community from generation to generation as its own way. The characteristics of folk music are simple and reflect the nature or a common and that there is a large population understanding the music. Popular church music is any music that most of community members can accept and has more affinity to secular entertainment. This form of music usually disseminated through commercial media. The most distinguishing difference among the four types of music is who can understand the music. Obviously, the audiences levels are very different according to Hustads definitions, so that the way how people use their musical talent given to each individual and how they approach to the music would be very different. There are two things in common between high art church music and the traditional church music which are they pass the acid test and last long in history, and both were composed for worship. Traditional church music is, however, more accessible to people than high art church music since high art church music is more sophisticated. Presenting this kind of sublime church music once in a while, church lets the congregation experience solemnness and transcendent God through music. Music leaders can choose this kind of high art church music carefully for special occasions or thematic services such as Christmas. On the other hand, traditional church music can be sung more often. And this music connects the geriatric with the young and enables people to look back the history. Moving on to folk music, folk expressions are closely related to the culture, so folk music can be more meaningful and attractive to each ethnic or culture group. There are two different things observed between traditional church music and folk music. First, traditional church music was composed for strictly liturgical purpose while folk music as a secular music but adopted by church and the new sacred text added to its tune. Secondly, traditional church music does not show specific national characteristics much while each folk music has its own color and often the composers are anonymous. However, both music genres can be used commonly in church since both were sung from generation to generation. Borrowed folk tunes can serve church as traditional church music. When it comes to contemporary popular church music, it is generally attractive to younger group people compared to traditional church music or folk music which are more appreciated by older generations. The contemporary church music is sung in many charismatic churches. Of course, traditional churches can use this type of church music. I believe it is the best way to serve church that church musicians select music carefully and place various types of music properly when worshiping to magnifying the glory of God. List and discuss the sins which best non-liturgical evangelicals in their use of music in worship. (65-66) The sin of pride. When we truly concentrate on music itself to give the best thing to God, we may make a serious mistake because our effort for music can turn into an activity to show our musical technique and talent rather than praise Him if we cannot keep our heart focusing on God. We should focus on the glory of God with our best effort and try to avoid the temptation that my music is better than others and worthy to be applauded. The quality of music plausible to our ears is not a matter to God. He is looking at our heart first so we should throw away the thought that my music is much better than others (my music will be accepted by God) and be humble. God says that He brings down the proud who have arrogance. If we fall into arrogance in our music ministry, God would never be pleased with our music and worship and even will not accept them. The sin of hedonism. Here, the hearing of the music becomes the issue rather than the glory of God. Instead of a heart being changed by hearing what God has prepared the pastor to speak, more attention is given to the enjoyment of the music. The sin of spectatorism. The writer of Hebrews exhorts believers in Hebrews 10:25 to not forsake the assembly of ourselves together, as is the manner of some, but exhorting one another, and so much the more as you see the Day approaching. It is apparent to this writer that being a Christian requires participation. Hustad points out that many in todays churches would rather be sung to than to sing for themselves. Very simply put, Christianity is not a spectator sport. The sin of sentimentalism. An old pair of shoes is much more comfortable than a new pair that has yet to be worn-in. It follows then, that people would desire to remain in their comfort zones, not willing to be open to changes in music and worship. Enjoying what is familiar is not bad in itself, but as with all things, it must not become the focus or the issue. God must remain the focus, not our singing of favorite hymns. List and discuss the evangelical standards of church music suggested by Hustad. (68-69) It should express and communicate the gospel in text and music languages that are contextualized to the culture for which is intended. It should offer a worthy sacrifice of praise, for the individual and for the corporate body in worship experience. It should be their best performance. It should be offered with love, humility, gratitude, and grace. It should express and enhance the best Christian theology of each particular culture, supporting all doctrines of that faith in proper balance. It should express and support all the activities related to the groups beliefs-worship, proclamation, education, pastoral care, and fellowship-with due consideration of musical needs of each. It should speak from the whole person to the whole person, carefully balancing the physical, intellectual, and emotional while avoiding sentimental. It should be genuinely creative, avoiding the out-of-date as well as too much sophistication. Communication in text and music language is very important. Sometimes, we say that the gospel is our confession of our heart to God. This is true. In a culture, there are lots of things we feel in the same way and we share them in its own language. This often deeply touches others hearts so that church music becomes a very good method to share and proclaim the evangelism to believers and non-believers. Therefore, church music should be expressed in richly understandable way and communicable in a culture. Hustad also pointed out a worth sacrifice of praise. In the Old Testament, God wanted faultless lambs for sacrifice. He wanted everything to be faultless. Church music is also a kind of sacrifice we give to God. In other words, our music should be the praise itself and intended for our devotional sacrifice to God. Evangelically, church music should include love, humility, gratitude, and grace with no arrogance. This idea might include the creativity of church music. Using our creativity endowed from God would be one thing to make our music faultless as a sacrifice. Culture might be an important ingredient in evangelical church music. As mentioned, music is another type of communication method in a culture. However, common components in a culture should be used in church music for more effective communication, so that theological and evangelical components can have more power with the proper balance of common components to touch people hearts in a culture. In fact, the direct import of church music from the Western to Asian showed a large problem in understanding the evangelical message in music. This discussion includes the fundamental that church music always delivers the core of evangelism. Evangelical church music should express the Christian theology, as well as all activities found in the Bible such as worship, proclamation, education, pastoral care, and fellowship. Many churches tend to show they are leaning toward certain specific aspects. If only one or two things are standing out, the balance would be broken, which means the church is not healthy. Compare and contrast the contributions of revivalist and formal evangelical churches to worship and church music. By what names are these traditions identified among Southern Baptists? (219-223) Revivalist and formal evangelical churches are categorized by several distinct characteristic. Revivalist seemed to adopt more informal styles in worship so that it naturally pulled more concentration onto God. In the textbook, it says that it was directed toward heaven, not earth. The object was to praise God, not entertain people. Also, its style is ordered and stately. Revivalist had more dynamics in worship so Hustad described its characteristics as informality, noise, disorder, energetic, passionate, loud proclamation style, and charismatic variety of worship. Naturally, the worship was being highly emotional. This does not indicate that revivalist worship was human-oriented. Revivalist worship rather focused on horizontal praise of God, spreading the work of the Holy Spirit in us to the congregations/friends/neighbors through themselves. There are two types of Baptists derived from revivalists: Regular Baptist, the more-Calvinistic, i.e., Charleston church, and Separate Baptist , the more charismatic, i.e. Sandy Creek group. On the other hand, the formal evangelical churches are more rooted in history having more consistent themes in sermon, music, and prayer. They appreciate the liturgy, other formal elements found in historical churches besides the work of Holy Spirit while revivalists mainly focus on the work of Holy Spirit and redemption. Hustad pointed out the tendency of the theological integrity for the formal evangelical churches, so that the churches had highly developed ritual. One of the typical formal evangelical churches is the Broadway Tabernacle Church (Methodist). However, the liturgical contents for both of the churches have the most common elements discussed by Hustad; for example, sermon/preach, prayer, hymn, and benediction. Also, the influences from the both churches are currently being continued in our churches. Churches not only keep the formal evangelical style of worship but also expect the strong power of the Holy Spirit. Also, with the requiring elements by Hustad, current churches try to use a common language for the congregations to bring up the power of the Holy Spirit in church music. Briefly discuss the impact of the following on church music: (204, 223-276) Pietist Movement in Germany. This was a movement born out of the Lutheran church in the late 1600s. The viewpoint was that the goal of worship and music was the edification of humanity. Pietists taught that music was for every person and should be kept very simple. George Whitefield George Whitefield was the Calvinistic Methodist who was associated with the Wesleys in England, and brought 18th-century revivalism to the colonies. He was influenced by the Anglican tradition so that hymns began to be sung widely, especially those of Isaac Watts, and strict psalm singing was broken in England. Camp meetings Camp meeting were outdoor gatherings without regard to the gender, denominations and races. People mixed, socialized and worship together so simple so music showed a tendency to be simple. As black slaves brought their musical heritage, Spiritual became popular. Songs were not only simple, but also frequently improvised, and very repetitive. In the improvised manner, some words were changed with each repetition. Camp meetings music helped church music to get more freedom in terms of the form. Lowell Mason He was a prominent figure in public school music education in the mid 1800s and assisted in developing the first public school music programs in the United States, around the Boston and New York City areas. His teaching emphasized the use of standard notation (referred to by Mason as scientific music), rather than the shape notes used in the frontier areas of the 1800s. He also composed and arranged many hymns, of which 13 are included in the 1991 Edition of The Baptist Hymnal. Among those he composed are BETHANY (Nearer, My God to Thee), OLIVET (My Faith looks up to Thee) and HAMBURG (When I Survey the Wondrous Cross). Gospel Songs. This style of music was so-named by Philip Phillips and was patterned after the music heard in the camp meetings. They could also be known as experience hymns or hymns of witness and testimony. Names such as Fanny Crosby, William Bradbury, B.B. McKinney and Phoebe Palmer Knapp are now synonymous with Gospel Songs. Radio and television. According to Hustad, radio and television contributed to the passive culture of recreation in our culture. This change would also encourage the lack of participation in church life. Now distant from the church, the music broadcast over the air would need to encompass a broad spectrum of music styles and tastes. The celebration era. This time begins in the 1960s and is characterized by an emphasis on celebration in worship and places high value on ones experience. Hustad refers to this as The New Pietism and even The New Worship Hedonism, the latter with an emphasis on having an enjoyable experience. List and briefly discuss Hustads twelve suggestions for worship renewal today. (308-312) Study worship thoroughly: its scriptural basis, theology, history, psychology, in a full revelation of God and a full human response. Regular worship should contain all the elements in the New Testament churches: scripture reading, preaching, prayers, acts of dedication, and musical expressions. Worship should use as much language of scripture as possible: worship words should be chosen, so that it may speak to all age groups in the congregation, to the typical cultural levels represented, revision of old sermons, simplifying language for declining literacy. Completely secularized worship language is not healthy. Worship should conform to the basics of historic liturgy: basic historical worship outlines are the products of the accumulated wisdom of almost 2,000 years during which the Holy Spirit has been present and working in the church. One of the requirements of liturgical worship is congregational action. Worship is the work of the people, this is the most important. Worshipers should be involved in as much speaking, singing, and bodily action as possible. In making changes, dont follow the madding crowd unless you are convinced they are following the Holy Spirit: Follow your tradition based on your own theology. Be sure that the joy of the Lord shows in your worship, is modeled by the service leaders, and is evident in the congregation: the unbelievers come to church, not primarily to investigate the claims of Christ, but to investigate the Christ in us. Add ample right-brain language in emotive-intuitive symbolism, not for fun or for aesthetics, but for truths sake: Ever-present danger of idolatry-the worship of self or of cultural icons in the place of God. it is important to keep old ones, like hymnal-the repository of the churchs memory, preserving the heritage of its greatest singers and important hymn literature. In music, sing as wide a spectrum of song as did the first-century church with musical styles that will meet the expectations of todays congregation: New worship choruses (high emotional experience and release) Taize minimalist music (cognitive and emotional expression) Older gospel songs Contemporary ballads (experience of Christ) Psalms settings (full language of prayer) Classic hymns (identity with the historic church and doctrine, the perpetuity of Gods covenants, and the continuity of the Holy Spirits indwelling of Gods people) Worship changes should aim to unite a congregation, not divide it: worship must include a full range of emotions, including penitence and sober reflection, the spirit of celebration based on thanksgiving should be predominant. Teach the significance of each worship experience in the context of regular services: teach the meaning of worship words. Protect music education in the church, because Christians are stewards of God-given talents: God expects the talents to be returned to him by giving glory. Be sure that worship is finally incarnational, in that men and women become more perfectly human as Jesus Christ was perfectly human: as a result of their encounter with God, in the name of Christ, through the power of the Holy Spirit. Outline and discuss the elements of the Genevan Order of Worship (Isaiah 6). (330-338) Preparation for worship- instrumental prelude is a curtain which we draw to shut out lifes busting distractions so that we may sense the presence of the numinous, powerful, loving God. But this does not function since folks tend to talk over the music. Informal music may be directed by a songleader and may be interspersed with personal witnessing, and this may conclude with a time of greeting one another. The minister may say Now let us worship God as a call to worship. Confession, Forgiveness- The call to confession may be preceded by reading or paraphrasing 1 John 1:9. The call could be Let us admit our sin before God, first in a verse of a hymn and then in our united confession. An assurance of forgiveness is an announcement that, if we confess, God forgives our sins, as he has promised to do. God Speaks Scripture reading are given to keep both ancient and modern practice (Old and New Testaments), psalm is followed after to be response to the reading. In many congregations it is customary to close a scripture reading with the phrase This is the Word of the Lord and the peoples response Thanks be to God. a gospel reading would be followed with This is the gospel of the Lord and the response, Praise be to you, O Christ. the virtue of Geneva order is that scripture reading is followed closely by its interpretation in the sermon without a lot of intervening numbers. However, it is considered appropriate to follow any scripture with the Gloria Patri, with a canticle, or with a psalm, hymn, or anthem. It is appropriate for the minister to follow Calvins example by prefacing the homily with a Prayer of illumination. We Respond- the response hymn in this instance is a parallel to the opening hymn, in keeping with the sermon emphasis, the first speaks of transcendent God, second speaks of the immanent Jesus Christ as a friend. It is also appropriate as an invitation to Christian decision. Offering is placed after the sermon and response hymn, one way of saying Amen to Gods will expressed in his word, read and preached. This is based on a song of praise to Christ for his incarnation and self-emptying, or any other text of adoration. Another type is the reciting of a doctrinal confession, we stand to state our belief. The preferred form is the short Apostles Creed. We Pray- prayer is placed after the hearing of and responding to, the Word of God. It is because God called the meeting to order to reveal himself, his actions and his will. It is good etiquette to hear God out and to offer a full affirmative response. And it is a moving experience for believers to pray together as the closing act of a community at worship. These could be bidding prayers that leader calls for silent, personal petition for church, for ministers, and Christian workers around the world, for peace and justice among nations, and for the sick and bereaved persons. We Celebrate Communion- The prayer should contain both bread and drink part of Jesus command. In recent years, many churches added central memorial acclamation after the statement of remembrance: Christ had died; Christ had risen; Christ will come again. The Close of Worship- Hymn is sung proclaiming the Cross, because it is only through Christs death on the cross that we may know God, both transcendent and immanent. The instrumental postlude is generally exuberant in tone, reflecting thanksgiving for the opportunity of worship and the movement of the congregation into the week of continuing worship, witness, and service. List and discuss the emphases of evangelistic
Thursday, October 24, 2019
An Unforgettable Person Essays -- Personal Narrative Teachers Educatio
An Unforgettable Person Parents areââ¬âor should beââ¬âthe teachers of their children in many areas, a natural relationship of handing down what they have learned to their offspring. But there is something special about the profession of teaching where an individual chooses to make an impact on students ,they hardly know on Day 1 of class and yet they have a goal of sending those young faces on their way to a well-rounded education in the 180 or so days they will have them in his or her care. At Vikas junior college, more teachers continued their influence on my life, and many of them have enjoyed long teaching careers. Several have retired, but several are still hard at it with the current crop of students The bell rings, and all the students waits for him to come. He is nothing but our math lecturer Mr.P.Ramesh. He is about 6 feet tall, thin man. He dresses himself in formals. He has a good hair style like waveââ¬â¢s .he is handsome too. His classes are so interesting. All the students get involved to listen to his classes. We never miss his classes. He is very friendly, polite, and casual. He is hailed by many students here and there. ``Hello!'' ``Hi!'' ``Nice to see you!'' Whenever he comes across anyone he knows, he always says hello to them first, wearing a big smile, whether or not they are older or younger than him. In this society where many people often pass by without greeting each other, seeing him might be like seeing an oasis in a desert. He loves childre n in ear...
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
The Time Is Ticking Away: an Analysis of ââ¬Åthe Tell-Tale Heartââ¬Â
The Time is Ticking Away: An Analysis of ââ¬Å"The Tell-Tale Heartâ⬠People in society today are no different from those of previous generations in that they have always possessed basic principles of fear, paranoia, and anxiety that have carried on, and are clearly evident throughout history. In the 18th century, Edgar Allen Poe, a major author of the time based one of his more famous works on those basic principles of fear, paranoia, and anxiety. ââ¬Å"The Tell-Tale Heartâ⬠takes a normal human being that anyone can relate to, and shows just how dark and corrupt the human mind can act under certain everyday circumstances.Poe reveals the process the human mind goes through when put under stress and the fear of being discovered, the reader is able to relate and put them self in the same position, Culminating with the narrator breaking down, afflicted by the basic principles, showing the reader just what the human mind is capable of doing. Poe starts his story with the narr ator talking to himself, justifying that heââ¬â¢s not insane, and that the story heââ¬â¢s about to tell you is completely rational. Much like you and I, the narrator lives a normal life with all the issues of stress and annoyances present.One annoyance the narrator has to deal with is the eye of the old man he lives with; the eye bothers him so much and slowly eats away at him, until eventually it causes him to take action. The narrator finally canââ¬â¢t take it anymore and stands outside the old mans room door waiting for several days for the perfect time to strike in order to rid his mind of the odious eye. Poe paints an image in our heads as we read this example in the text that the narrator is very meticulous. In order to show this throughout the story, Poe uses several literary devices.Often within the story, Poe uses a grouping of small sentences that create a rhythm like that of a heartbeat. ââ¬Å"Object there was none. Passion there was none. I loved the old man. H e had never wronged me. He had never given me insult. For his gold I had no desire. I think it was his eye! Yes, it was this. â⬠In Charles E. Mays article, ââ¬Å"The Tell-Tale Heart: Overview,â⬠he explains, To understand the ingenious way Poe develops this story about a split in the self, one must examine the nature of the narrator's obsession.He insists that he loves the old man, has no personal animosity toward him, does not want his money, and has not been injured by him. Instead, he says he wishes to kill the old man because of his eye. By showing that the narrator is so precise and over thinks just about everything, Poe unravels how the narrator is insane, but thinks of himself as a rational human being. Poe constantly alludes to a major ideal of the story, which is time. As the narrator becomes close to finally killing the old man and being discovered, time is constantly emphasized and very evident.At first, the narrator is cool, calm, and collective, but slowly a fter he has done the deed paranoia kicks in and a sense of false security and the fear of being revealed. Although there is no way to understand this kind of motivation except to declare the narrator mad, the reader must try to determine the method and meaning of the madness. For Poe, there is no such thing as meaningless madness in fiction. As the tension and anxiety pick up in the story, Poe asks us to put ourselves in that situation and feel the pressure and paranoia the narrator is going through due to his actions.The narrator struggles so much with what he has done and if he is going to be discovered, he hides the body of the old man so meticulously that no one should be able to find it and ever know what has taken place. As the narrators paranoia sets in that is one of the basic principleââ¬â¢s evident in every human being the narrator starts to question himself and whether or not he did a good enough job at hiding the body that he eventually breaks down. ââ¬Å"They heard! ââ¬â they suspected! ââ¬â they KNEW! ââ¬â they were making a mockery of my horror! ââ¬â this I thought, and this I think. But anything was better than this agony!Anything was more tolerable than this derision! I could bear those hypocritical smiles no longer! I felt that I must scream or die! ââ¬â and now ââ¬â again ââ¬â hark! louder! louder! louder! LOUDER! ââ¬â ââ¬Å"Villains! â⬠I shrieked, ââ¬Å"dissemble no more! I admit the deed! ââ¬â tear up the planks! ââ¬â here, here! ââ¬â it is the beating of his hideous heartâ⬠(Poe). Within each of us are the basic principles of fear, paranoia, and anxiety, Poe wanted to show us that by giving a prime example of someone just like you or I that you can relate to and witness the effects one goes through under each principle.Poe might have gained this dark outlook due to all the neglect he had from his family, and all the substance abuse he went through to try and cope with all his pr oblems and step away from reality. He wanted to show exactly what people are capable of and what they do under the affects of fear, anxiety, and paranoia in order to prove that being insane is really a matter of opinion based on personal experiences and events rather than a textbox example. Poe faced his own fear about madness daily throughout his life.At a very young age he was orphaned, and his foster parents rarely saw him. He was scared of change and rarely did anything that wasnââ¬â¢t second nature to him. Constantly plagued by stressful events in his life such as closely related deaths, Poe lived a very miserable depressing life that eventually attributed to his demise. In almost every piece he produced there is a character that can be related to him and the difficulties he has to go through. Even after Poeââ¬â¢s death his form of writing lives on along with his ideals, which we encounter and relate to on a daily basis.
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
The baroque violin essays
The baroque violin essays The Baroque Violin and its Repertoire. The Baroque period clearly began around 1600 and was ended with the death of Bach in 1750. During this period of music, after a revolution from the renaissance period, many new techniques and styles of musical composition and performance emerged. This started with the implementation and growing affection towards homophony, where a solo instrument is backed by one or more accompanists. The number of accompanists could vary from one to a whole orchestra. Such music saw the emergence of the musical style, Opera. This came about when the music was written as an accompaniment for the solo/s coming from the voice/s. The coming of baroque homophony saw the beginning of the new age of music. Another compositional technique that emerged during the baroque period was the figured bass, and the basso continuo, which is the section comprising of the lower stringed instruments, mainly the double bass, cello, or harpsichord. The word baroque means to many people, extravagance or flamboyance. Some people would argue that the baroque period saw music without emotion, but I believe that it was quite the opposite after listening to and playing some of Bachs concertos. In this essay I will explain and describe the differences and the development of the baroque violin. I will also describe some techniques used during the times when the baroque violin was used, and the composers who implemented these techniques. Master craftsmen such as Stradivarius and others determined the baroque violin familys original condition. Information as to what that condition was comes from instruments that have survived unaltered. Few instruments still remain. Baroque violins lasted and were used through to the second half of the 18th century, during the classical period. In the 19th century articulation and sonority changed the structure of the violin. The violin top and back serve as an amplifier of the sound...
Monday, October 21, 2019
Cross-Price Elasticity of Demand
Cross-Price Elasticity of Demand Cross-Price Elasticity of Demand (sometimes called simply Cross Elasticity of Demand) is an expression of the degree to which the demand for one product lets call this Product A changes when the price of Product B changes. Stated in the abstract, this might seem a little difficult to grasp, but an example or twoà makes the concept clear its not difficult.à Examples of Cross-Price Elasticity of Demand Assume for a moment youve been lucky enough to get in on the ground floor of the Greek Yogurt craze. Your Greek yogurt product B, is immensely popular, allowing you to increase the single cup price from around $0.90 a cup to $1.50 a cup. Now, in fact, you may continue to do well, but at least some persons will revert back to the good old non-Greek yogurt (Product A) at the $.090/cup price. By changing the price of Product B youve increased the demand for Product A, even though theyre not highly similar products. In fact, they can be quite similar or quite different the essential point is that there will often be some correlation, strong, weak or even negative between the demand for one product when the price of another one changes. At other times, there may be no correlation. Substitute Goods The aspirin example shows what happens to the demand for good B when the price of good A increases. Manufacturer As price has increased, demand for its aspirin product (for which there are many substitute goods)à decreases. Since aspirin is so widely available, there probably wont be a great increase in each of these many other brands; however, in instances where there are only a few substitutes, or perhaps only one, the demand increase may be marked. Gasoline vs. electric automobiles is an interesting instance of this. In practice, there really are only a few automobile alternatives: gasoline automobiles, diesel, and electrics. Gasoline and dieselà prices, as youll remember, have been extremely volatile since the late 1980s. As U.S. gasoline prices reached $5/gallon in some West Coast cities, the demand for electric cars increased. However, since 2014 gasoline prices have fallen. With that, demand for electrics fell with them, putting automobile manufacturers in a peculiar bind. They needed to sell electrics to keep their fleet mileage averages down, but consumers began buying gasoline trucks and larger gasoline autos again. This forced manufacturers Fiat/Dodgeà is a case in point to lower the price of electrics below their actual production cost in order to keep selling gasoline-powered trucks and muscle cars without triggering a federal government penalty.à Complimentary Goods A local Seattle band has a breakthrough hit millions and millions of streams, many, many downloads and aà hundred thousand albums sold, all in a few weeks. The band begins touring and in response to demand, ticket prices begin climbing. But now something interesting happens: as the ticket prices increase, the audience becomes smaller no problem so far because whats happening essentially is that the band is playing smaller venues but at greatly increased ticket prices still a win. But then, the bands management sees a problem. As the audience grows smaller, so do the sales of all those high mark-up collectibles band T-shirts, coffee mugs, photo albums and so on: theà merch. Our Seattle band has more than doubled the ticket price at $60.00 and is still selling about half as many tickets at each venue.à So far so good: 500 tickets times $60.00 is more money than 1,000 tickets times $25.00. However, the band had enjoyed robust merch sales averaging $35 a head. Now the equation looks a little different: 500 tix x $(60.00 $35.00) is less than 1,000 tix x ($25.0035). The drop in ticket sales at a higher price created a proportionate drop in merch sales. The two products are complementary. As the price increases for band tickets, the demand for band merch drops.à The Formula You can calculate the Cross Price Elasticity of Demand (CPoD) as follows: CPEoD (% Change in Quantity Demand for Good A)à à · (% Change in Price for Good A)
Sunday, October 20, 2019
Arming Airline Pilots essays
Arming Airline Pilots essays Arming Airline Pilots: A Good Solution to a Bad Problem Following September 11th, the nation began questioning the safety of the crew and passengers aboard its airlines flights. Many solutions were proposed, including the very controversial issue of arming cockpit crews with firearms. Commercial airline pilots should be armed because they work in the most crucial portion to the safe operation of an aircraft, the cockpit. If you really think hard enough about it, anything on board an aircraft can become a weapon. A beverage cart, a seat belt strap, even a soda can. The Obvious Solution states: My 10 year old son thought it was cool when he figured out how to bend and then rip open an aluminum can, tearing it into a sharp edge... (paragraph 3) Doing this could easily be used to injure, or even kill the pilots allowing a highjacker to gain access to the controls and boom September 11th all over again. A scalding hot pot of coffee could be used to burn and incapacitate the pilots, causing control of the aircraft to be put in the hands of evil. Even a fire extinguisher could be used to blind and then bludgeon a pilot to death resulting in the same situations. The list goes on and on. I think an armed and trained pilot would give the advantage to the crew in any of these situations. The cockpit is the heart and soul of an airliner. Instruments, radios, engine controls, flight management systems, Global Positioning Systems, and most important the flight controls. The flight controls are referred to as the stick and rudder. These basically steer the aircraft up, down, left, and right. This portion of the aircraft is the most vital and should be the least accessible part of an airliner. This small room houses everything that controls an airplane and should be defended at all costs and any measures. A gun in the cockpit would do just that. A lot of people say, including Secretary of ...
Saturday, October 19, 2019
Strategies for Improving Nursing Staff Recruitment and Retention Research Paper
Strategies for Improving Nursing Staff Recruitment and Retention - Research Paper Example This study did entail evaluation of the various techniques that will enhance the appreciation of this profession. It is evident enrollment in nursing is influenced by elements that are inside if not externally instigated. It was the objective of this study to examine these elements and present a comprehensive outlook of enrollment and retention of nursing personnel in the nursing occupation. Introduction According to Castle and Longest (2006), nursing is one of the fundamental professions that are necessary to facilitate the healthy continuity of existence. It entails the additional medical services over the ones that are conducted by doctors. They comprise of the prime collection of health workforce and are liable for the medical transition of patients to better form after the doctorââ¬â¢s treatment and prescription. It is imperative that the health segment incorporates mechanisms that will enable the recruitment and maintenance of the nurses. Schmidt (2004) asserts that this entails the issuance of qualitative attendance by the nurses hence ensuring the patient acquires efficient care. However, the issuance of qualitative attendance by the health practitioners is doubtful following the vacancies of nursing personnel in the health institutions. A proportion of the public backlash is to the management organs of the nursing institutions for their laxity in ensuring they produce com petent practitioners who are capable o handling the complications of their occupation (Schmidt 2004). The rationale that defines the objectives and principles of nursing requires being the motivation of health personnel and surpassing other interests. Problem Statement According to Castle and Longest (2006), the issue of nursing morale is becoming the highlight of the health sector. Numerous nurses are displaying their dissatisfaction with the policies and remuneration with the health sector by withdrawing their services when the patients are in dire need. Universally, nursing is undergoing critical shortages, which is undermining the ââ¬Å"quality assuranceâ⬠in the clinical services. Inadequate remuneration is a chief influence on their discontent in the health segment and remains a sensitive concern of that debate. Retention of nurses is becoming challenging to numerous health providers since they are experiencing low morale within the nursing employees. Improvement of enro llment and retention in nursing is vital for attainment of organizational goals and enable the advancement of health. This review is resulting from the increase in shortages of nurses in undertaking their tasks and is severally attributed to payment issues. This essay seeks to evaluate the various aspects that define morale in the occupation of nursing. Case report Health institutions and observers are insistent on increasing the self-esteem of health practitioners. Evidently, the input of nurses is significant in facilitating the enhancement of healthy living standards. Numerous researchers are examining the subject of nurses esteem owing to their significance in health dispensation. Their contribution is essential, in
Friday, October 18, 2019
Personal Statement Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Personal Statement - Essay Example This becomes one of the major reasons why I want to gain business experience and apply in this university. My passion to gain knowledge about this field and about German language specially has nurtured this eagerness within me to take admission in BA (Hons.) International Business and German language course. This supporting statement describes my eagerness for this course. I have always been a very good student getting positions and certificates. My teachers and professors at all times considered me a student worthy of reward. I have attended numerous training courses and seminars which shows my passion for pursuing further knowledge regarding my field. I feel that I have enough knowledge and passion to show that I have a craze about going ahead in the business industry and contribute to the financial market. I keep myself updated with market requirement. I keep on reading related journals, books and magazines and attend related seminars being held in my vicinity. I feel that I posse ss those special skills needed to fulfill the requirements for this course. I have always come up fresh, innovative and unique ideas. I have learnt basic computer knowledge and softwares so as to equip myself with the latest technology that may help me in excelling in this course.
Project Management Organizational Structures In Aerospace Research Paper
Project Management Organizational Structures In Aerospace - Research Paper Example It is not, however, just the practices and knowledge coding capabilities of the project manager that determine success, it is how the project manager adapts within different organizational structures when working on a project. This essay highlights the dynamics of the three different types of project management organizational structures, emphasizing the potential advantages and disadvantages of each structure. The role of the project management office within a matrix organizational structure receives special prominence in analysis. Describing the Three PM Organizational Structures The first organizational structure analyzed is the functional structure, one that is primarily found within companies that sell standard products. In the aerospace industry, this structure is common when there is a very high volume of production output and where there is a single core product that drives the basis of manufacturing. The functional structure individuals that maintain the same technical expert ise are placed into functional groups, for example a team of engineering specialists, which are responsible for handling activities associated with their level of skills and responsibilities toward meeting the objectives of the business mission (Gido & Clements, 2012). The types of businesses that utilize a functional structure are those that have dedicated research and development teams, such as Johnson & Johnson, where functional experts are grouped into expert laboratories where group members share the same skills, competencies and technical capabilities. In the functional structure, there is generally a main executive leader that governs the entire division (such as engineering or marketing) by which divisional managers maintain reporting responsibility. For instance, systems engineering, mechanical engineering, and software engineering management report to the Vice President of Engineering with no other additional tiers of hierarchical control in the functional model. The next organizational structure analyzed is the autonomous project organizational structure, a structure found in a business that works with a variety of projects that have varying characteristics, different needs for specialist work, and where there is no standard project framework that will guide the projects in which the company operates. For example, a company may contract the project-oriented company for a multi-million dollar project that will require three years to complete that involves engineering experts, installation specialists, or special manufacturing requirements. Because this type of business maintaining a functional structure is working on many different projects concurrently, it will be necessary for some specialist groups to work autonomously until a specific aspect of the project has been completed by which the specialist groups maintains responsibility for completion. Resources in the autonomous project organizational structure are allocated permanently until this port ion of the project has been completed and the specialist group is then managed by a project manager that oversees the administrative function of the group. These partially-autonomous groups only provide support to the project until their unique responsibilities have been completed and then another functional group continues forward until all
How the rise of China has hurt the US economy Research Paper
How the rise of China has hurt the US economy - Research Paper Example However, there are fears for the US economy that Chinaââ¬â¢s economic growth may beset Americaââ¬â¢s economy. Over time, China has accumulated trillions of American dollars of currency reserves. Out of these reserves, about 800 billion US dollars are treasury bonds. This development is a culmination of escalating balance of trade surpluses that China has had with America, since China sells to the US much more than America can sell to China. In the course of this development, China has played the instrumental role of elbowing many American manufacturers out of business (Clark and Monk, 99-100) According to Liang, with the large stockpile of money mentioned above and the leverage this stockpile gives China, China is now threatening to dump the US treasury bonds and the American dollar on the market. The crux of the matter herein is that in the event that China executes this move, Americaââ¬â¢s currency will have been significantly devalued and the price of goods will skyrocket. This means that Americaââ¬â¢s economy will have been crippled. Although China has never made good this threat, yet the fact that it made this threat reveals its possibility. This situation has been gradually building up and it therefore continues to place America in a precarious position. This is because America has been producing less and has continued to increasingly survive on imports (Liang, 54). Mundell contends that a very strong way in which Chinaââ¬â¢s growing economy continues to undermine Americaââ¬â¢s economy is by blocking USââ¬â¢ exports. What informs this decision by China is the fact that the Peopleââ¬â¢s Republic of China reserves the largest part of its market strictly for state-owned businesses. The Beijing Administration demands that state-owned organizations have dominance domestic markets in railways, coal, telecom and other areas of key strategic interests. This means that these firms are immune from
Thursday, October 17, 2019
Should the UK join the Euro currency Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 9750 words
Should the UK join the Euro currency - Essay Example The appearance of euro in 1999 and its acceptance by 11 countries of European Union (at a primary stage) has been the most significant effort of the Community towards this direction. Since its introduction euro has verified the provisions referring to its success. However, there are countries of the European Union that have not been convinced on the stability of the new (common) currency and for this reason are still reluctant in entering the European Monetary Union (EMU). Sweden and UK are the most representative examples of the above phenomenon. Particularly regarding Britain, the countryââ¬â¢s position towards euro has been considered as crucial mostly because of the role of this country to the development of the global financial markets. The participation of UK in the European monetary union has been chosen because of the importance of this issue for the social, financial and political context in Britain. Moreover, the specific issue has been extensively examined as it presents a series of difficulties that create severe problems to the realization of the relevant project. More specifically, the participation of Britain in the monetary union as it has been formulated and applied in the members of EU has been doubted as of its feasibility. The existing differences between UK and the European Union have been found to be a lot. In fact, the difference in currency is not the only one existed between Britain and the other members of European Union.
Stem Cell Research Ethical Dilemma Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Stem Cell Research Ethical Dilemma - Essay Example The functionalities of stem cells allow the body to repair itself internally as they can divide through mitosis so as to replenish other cells. While dividing, stem cells can either remain as it is, that is a stem cell, or can develop into any other body cell such as nerve cell, white blood cell, red blood cell, or muscle cell. It is there unique qualities ââ¬â as unspecialized cells as well as ones that can be induced to be specialized to perform certain functions ââ¬â that they have attracted such attention and research from the scientific community. However, the extent to which these cells can be induced under particular conditions is arguable especially due to its association with ethical concerns. While many characteristics can be induced upon the cells by exposing it to different conditions without any harm, the fact that there is a potential danger from such exposition takes over progressive research on the subject. Also, several stem cell experiments on human embryoni c cells for IVF (in vitro fertilization) and somatic cells presents ethical concerns which is seen by many as ââ¬Ëtinkeringââ¬â¢. It is important to consider that science has forwarded and developed as a result of research. Since its early days, the various researches conducted by scientists and theorists have played a central roles in the advancement of scientific knowledge. However, this fact does not ignore the moral and ethical responsibilities of a scientific researcher while she or he is on his path to conduct experiments. Most stem cell research experiments are looked upon as essential discoveries that can lead to a transformation of the modern world. More researcher in the field can provide answers to several of the scientific questions and can also resolve problems associated with human reproduction. The debate revolving around embryonic stem cells is its position on the value of life which may considers an embryo as a person or otherwise. Since embryo is considered to be an early form
Wednesday, October 16, 2019
How the rise of China has hurt the US economy Research Paper
How the rise of China has hurt the US economy - Research Paper Example However, there are fears for the US economy that Chinaââ¬â¢s economic growth may beset Americaââ¬â¢s economy. Over time, China has accumulated trillions of American dollars of currency reserves. Out of these reserves, about 800 billion US dollars are treasury bonds. This development is a culmination of escalating balance of trade surpluses that China has had with America, since China sells to the US much more than America can sell to China. In the course of this development, China has played the instrumental role of elbowing many American manufacturers out of business (Clark and Monk, 99-100) According to Liang, with the large stockpile of money mentioned above and the leverage this stockpile gives China, China is now threatening to dump the US treasury bonds and the American dollar on the market. The crux of the matter herein is that in the event that China executes this move, Americaââ¬â¢s currency will have been significantly devalued and the price of goods will skyrocket. This means that Americaââ¬â¢s economy will have been crippled. Although China has never made good this threat, yet the fact that it made this threat reveals its possibility. This situation has been gradually building up and it therefore continues to place America in a precarious position. This is because America has been producing less and has continued to increasingly survive on imports (Liang, 54). Mundell contends that a very strong way in which Chinaââ¬â¢s growing economy continues to undermine Americaââ¬â¢s economy is by blocking USââ¬â¢ exports. What informs this decision by China is the fact that the Peopleââ¬â¢s Republic of China reserves the largest part of its market strictly for state-owned businesses. The Beijing Administration demands that state-owned organizations have dominance domestic markets in railways, coal, telecom and other areas of key strategic interests. This means that these firms are immune from
Tuesday, October 15, 2019
Stem Cell Research Ethical Dilemma Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Stem Cell Research Ethical Dilemma - Essay Example The functionalities of stem cells allow the body to repair itself internally as they can divide through mitosis so as to replenish other cells. While dividing, stem cells can either remain as it is, that is a stem cell, or can develop into any other body cell such as nerve cell, white blood cell, red blood cell, or muscle cell. It is there unique qualities ââ¬â as unspecialized cells as well as ones that can be induced to be specialized to perform certain functions ââ¬â that they have attracted such attention and research from the scientific community. However, the extent to which these cells can be induced under particular conditions is arguable especially due to its association with ethical concerns. While many characteristics can be induced upon the cells by exposing it to different conditions without any harm, the fact that there is a potential danger from such exposition takes over progressive research on the subject. Also, several stem cell experiments on human embryoni c cells for IVF (in vitro fertilization) and somatic cells presents ethical concerns which is seen by many as ââ¬Ëtinkeringââ¬â¢. It is important to consider that science has forwarded and developed as a result of research. Since its early days, the various researches conducted by scientists and theorists have played a central roles in the advancement of scientific knowledge. However, this fact does not ignore the moral and ethical responsibilities of a scientific researcher while she or he is on his path to conduct experiments. Most stem cell research experiments are looked upon as essential discoveries that can lead to a transformation of the modern world. More researcher in the field can provide answers to several of the scientific questions and can also resolve problems associated with human reproduction. The debate revolving around embryonic stem cells is its position on the value of life which may considers an embryo as a person or otherwise. Since embryo is considered to be an early form
Antitrust practices Essay Example for Free
Antitrust practices Essay Antitrust practices are practices carried on by businesses that end up destroying perfect competition in the market. Antitrust laws are laws prepared to seek and promote healthy market competition by preventing anti-competitive practices by companies. Some of the illegal practices that constitute to antitrust behavior include corporate mergers, monopolies and price fixing conspiracies (Bailey, 2010). The Clayton Act of 1914 was passed by the U.S Congress. It was an antitrust law that was amended to stop and prevent practices that led to unhealthy competition in the market. The Clayton Act was amended in order to complement an earlier version of the antitrust law referred to as the Sherman antitrust Act of 1980. This was a federal law that sought to prevent practices that were harmful to consumers such as cartels, monopolies and other unfair business practices (California Association of REALTORS, 2005). Google Company One of the recent firms to be investigated for antitrust behavior is Google Company that leads the online searching industry. According to Weiss (2014), the firm recently was being investigated by Competition Commission of India (CCI) for claims that it abused its dominance in the online search engine industry by mainly promoting its own services over those of its rivals. This reason is considered to create unhealthy competition in the business as the search engine company dominates its rivals in what is considered almost a monopolistic market. Antitrust behavior brings about both pecuniary and non-pecuniary costs. Since it damages healthy competition in the market, monopolies can result and this has adverse effects to the prices of commodities. The products end up becoming costly and expensive for the customers and, therefore, affecting the society negatively (Bailey, 2010). On the other hand, antitrust behavior leads to the output of products falling below the market competitive le vel and this is mainly witnessed in monopolistic markets. Then again, the antitrust practices can be costly for any company that has engaged in them since if investigations prove that the company is guilty of the said acts then heavy penalties can be imposed on them. Furthermore, this can ruin the reputation of any company and, therefore, ending up losing its customers (Bailey, 2010). Monopolies andà Oligopolies Monopolies and oligopolies are not always good for the society. Their presence in any market simply means they have all the power to control the prices of their products and services. This is not favorable to the customers since prices can always go up any time especially when the demand for certain commodities is high. One good example of an oligopoly is the Coca Cola and Pepsi Companies. These are the worldââ¬â¢s largest beverage companies and demand for their products is never decreasing. However, these two companies represent a market with few suppliers while the consumers are many. They have all the power to dictate their productsââ¬â¢ prices and the consumers have no power whatsoever (Hovenkamp, 2011). On the other hand, some government monopolies can be considered beneficial to the members of the society. Many governments in the current world control the production and supply of electricity and other forms of energy. This is useful because the governments aim at providin g such services to the citizens at affordable prices and across the countries. It is the responsibility of the government to enhance infrastructure development in the country and, therefore, running such sectors of the economy can be beneficial to consumers. Conclusion In conclusion, it is important to point out that antitrust practices are unwanted behaviors since they destroy healthy competition among businesses. However, the law is strict on companies that engage in these practices and heavy penalties can be imposed on them. Antitrust practices include price fixing, corporate mergers and creation of monopolies (Reeves, 2010).
Monday, October 14, 2019
Behavioral Approach To Leadership Management Essay
Behavioral Approach To Leadership Management Essay The focal point of thuis chapter will be on theoretical developments made in leadership literature with the way of time by the advocates. Hence, the existing chapter will be divided into four major parts. In the first part, trait approach to leadership will be described. In the second part, behavioral approach to leadership will be discussed. Third part will be devoted to contingency approach to leadership. In last and fourth part, cutting-edge approach to leadership will be presented. Trait Leadership Theory: Leadership consists of leaders, followers and situations, but trait approach only focuses on leaders. Trait approach was one of the first systematic attempts to study leadership in which research started by focusing on leaders traits that differentiate between leaders and non-leaders. Trait theory assumes that people are born with inherited characteristics. In other words, leaders were born, not made and leadership is rooted in characteristics of leaders. This assumption that leaders are born not made was taken from Great Man Theory. The underlying concept of this theory was that leaders are from upper class. Great Man theory was named so because in those days, leadership was thought of primarily as a male quality. Stogdill studied more than 124 studies conducted between 1904 and 1947. Stogdill (1948) stated that the aspect allied with leadership could be categorize under six broad directions: capacity (intelligence, alertness, originality and judgment); achievement (scholarship, knowledge); responsibility (reliability, inventiveness, determination assertiveness, self-assurance and the desire to excel); participation (activity, friendliness, teamwork, flexibility and absurdity); status (socioeconomic position and popularity) and situation (status, ability, wants and wellbeing of followers, objectives to be accomplished). Bryman (1993) also talk about the principle that there are distinct attributes that distinguish a leader from a non-leader, these being physical features (height); personality factors: (extroverted); and ability related characteristics: (speech fluency). Trait theory offers no explanation for relationship between individual characteristics and leaderships. This theory did not consider the impact of situational variables that moderate the relationship between leader traits and measures of effectiveness. As a result of lack of consistent findings, linking individual traits to leadership effectiveness, empirical studies of leaders traits were largely abandoned in 1950s. Behavioral approach to Leadership: In beginning of 1950s, focus of leadership research shifted away from leader traits to leaders behaviors. Purpose of this research was that the behavior exhibited by the leaders is more important than their physical, mental, emotional traits or internal state. Behavioral theories differentiate between effective leaders from ineffective leaders. Behavioral theories of leadership are based on the belief that great leaders are made, not born. According to this theory, people can learn to become leaders through training and observations, thus, anyone can become a leader if they want to. Leadership is composed of two general kinds of behaviors: task behavior and relationship behavior. Task behavior focus on goal accomplishment and help subordinates in achieving their behavior while relationship behavior help subordinates to feel comfortable at workplace. Central focus of this approach is to examine how leaders combine these two types of behavior in order to make subordinates to put their efforts to reach a goal. Many studies have been conducted to investigate the behavioral approach. Some of the first studies were conducted at Ohio State University in late 1940s. At the same time, another group of researchers at Michigan University were studying leadership functions. These studies sparked hundreds of other leadership studies and are still widely used. The Ohio Studies: Group of researchers at Ohio studies analyzed how a group of individuals acted when they were leading a group or organization. For this purpose, complete questionnaire about leader was developed on that questionnaire, subordinates had to identify the no. of times their leaders engaged in certain kind of behavior. Questionnaire was composed of 150 questions and was called the Leader Behavioral Description Questionnaire. (Hemphill and Coons, 1957). Questionnaire was distributed among military, manufacturing companies and educational institutes. The result showed that the certain clusters of behaviors were typically of leaders. Researchers found that respondents responses on the questionnaire clustered around two general types of leaders behavior: Initiating Structure and Consideration (Stogdill, 1974). Initiating Structure sometimes called task-oriented behavior, involves planning, organizing and coordinating the work of subordinates. Consideration involves showing concern for subordin ates, being supportive, recognizing subordinates accomplishments, and providing for subordinates welfare. Many studies have been conducted to determine which style of leadership is most effective in a particular situation. In some contexts, high consideration has been found to be most effective, but in other situations, high initiating structure has been found most effective. Some research has shown that being high on both behaviors is the best form of leadership. The University of Michigan (1961 1967): The Michigan leadership studies took place at about the same time as those at Ohio Studies. The focus of the Michigan studies was to determine the principles and methods of leadership that led to productivity and job satisfaction. The studies resulted in two general leadership behaviors or orientations: an employee orientation and production orientation (Likert). Leaders with an employee orientation showed genuine concern for interpersonal relations, while those with a production orientation focused on the task or technical aspects of the job. The supporters proposed that the more the leader is employee oriented, the lesser hell be production oriented and vice versa. He suggested that employee oriented approach results in the most positive outcomes. The Managerial Grid: The behavioral dimensions from early behavioral leadership studies provided the basis for the development of a two dimensional grid for appraising leadership style. One concept based largely on behavioral approach to leadership effectiveness was the Managerial (or Leadership Grid) development by Robert Blake and Jane Mouton (1964). The Grid helps to explain how leaders help organizations to reach their purposes through two factors: concern for production and concern for people. It closely parallels the idea and findings that emerged in the Ohio State and University of Michigan Studies. Concern for production refers to how a leader is concerned with achieving organizational tasks. Concern for people refers to how a leader attends to the people in the organization who are trying to achieve its goals. In grid, concern for production has been placed on horizontal axis and leaders concern for people has been placed on vertical axis. Leaders behavior was ranked on a scale of 1 (Low) to 9(h igh). The grid has 81 potential categories into which a leaders behavioral style might fall, emphasis was placed on five: authority compliance (9,1), country club management(1,9), impoverished management (1,1), middle of the road management(5,5), and team management(9,9).Researchers concluded that managers performed best when using a team management(9,9) style. It promotes a high degree of participation and team work in the organization a satisfied a basic need in employees to be involved and committed to their work. Team management approach cannot be affective in all situations. So leaders have to adapt their style according to followers ability. The assumption of the leader behavior was that there were certain behaviors that would be universally affective for leaders. Unfortunately, empirical research has not demonstrated consistent relationship between leaders behavior and leader effectiveness. The failure to attain a consistent relationship led to a new focus on situational influences. Like trait research, leader behavior research did not consider situational influences that might moderate the relationship between leader behavior and leaders effectiveness. Situational Leadership Theory: As the name of approach implies, situational leadership focuses on leadership in different situations. The premise of the theory is that different situations demand different kind of leadership. From this perspective, to be an effective leader requires that a person adapts his or her style to the demands of different situations. Contingencies theories gained prominence in 1960s and 1970s. Few of the situational leadership theories are discussed in next section. The Fiedler Model (1967): Fred Fiedler was the one who gave the first comprehensive contingency model. It specifies how situational factors interact with leaders traits and behaviors to influence leadership effectiveness. This theory proposed that effective group performance depends on the proper match between a leaders style of interacting with his or her followers and the degree to which the situation allowed the leader to control and influence. The theory suggests that the constructivity of the situation determine the effectiveness of task and person oriented leader behavior. Constructivity is determined by three things: leader follower relationship, task structures and the position power. Situation is constructive when followers respect and trust the leader, the task is highly structured and leader has control over rewards and punishments. To measure leaders style, Fiedler developed Least Preferred Coworker (LPC) Questionnaire. In questionnaire researcher used 16 pairs of contrasting adjectives like hardworking-not hardworking, friendly-unfriendly. Leaders were asked to think of a coworker with whom they had tough time and rate them on bipolar scale ranging from 1 to 8(8 describes positive adjective while 1 describes negative adjective out of the pair). Fiedler believed that you could determine a persons basic leadership style on the basis of the responses to the LPC questionnaire. Fiedler concluded that high LPC score shows that leader is people/relationship oriented while low LPC score means that leader is task oriented. Fiedler research indicated that leaders were more effective either in highly favorable situation or highly unfavorable situation while relationship oriented leaders perform better in moderate situations. Fiedler contingency has been criticized on both conceptual and methodological grounds. There was no discussion on the practicality of LPC and it is probably unrealistic to assume that a person cannot change his style in order to fit the situation. This theory does not take into consideration all situational factors. Despite its shortcomings, empirical research has supported many of specific propositions of the theory, the Fiedler model provided evidence that effective leadership style needed to reflect situational factors. Hersey and Blanchards Situational Leadership Theory (1969 1977): In contrast to Fiedlers contingency leadership model and its underlying assumption that leadership style is hard to change (trait theory). The Hersey Blanchard situational leadership model suggests that successful leaders do adjust their style (behavioral approach). Secondly, Fiedler define situation covering three dimensions namely leader-follower relationship, task structure and position power while Hersey and Blanchard defined situation as a function of followers maturity/task related maturity of subordinates. Followers maturity is indicated by followers readiness to perform in a given situation. Readiness is largely based on two major factors-follower ability and follower confidence. Situational leadership theory uses the same two leadership dimensions that Fiedler identified: task and relationship behavior. However, Hersey and Blanchard go a step further by considering each as either high or low and then by combining them into four specific leadership styles. The two-by-two matr ix shown below indicates the four possible leadership styles. High Participating Styles Share Ideas à ¢Ã¢â ¬Ã ¦Ã ¢Ã¢â ¬Ã ¦Ã ¢Ã¢â ¬Ã ¦Ã ¢Ã¢â ¬Ã ¦Ã ¢Ã¢â ¬Ã ¦Ã ¢Ã¢â ¬Ã ¦Ã ¢Ã¢â ¬Ã ¦Ã ¢Ã¢â ¬Ã ¦Ã ¢Ã¢â ¬Ã ¦Ã ¢Ã¢â ¬Ã ¦ Followers able, unwilling, not confident Selling Style Explain Decisions à ¢Ã¢â ¬Ã ¦Ã ¢Ã¢â ¬Ã ¦Ã ¢Ã¢â ¬Ã ¦Ã ¢Ã¢â ¬Ã ¦Ã ¢Ã¢â ¬Ã ¦Ã ¢Ã¢â ¬Ã ¦Ã ¢Ã¢â ¬Ã ¦ Followers unable, willing, confident Delegating Style Turnover decisions à ¢Ã¢â ¬Ã ¦Ã ¢Ã¢â ¬Ã ¦Ã ¢Ã¢â ¬Ã ¦Ã ¢Ã¢â ¬Ã ¦Ã ¢Ã¢â ¬Ã ¦Ã ¢Ã¢â ¬Ã ¦Ã ¢Ã¢â ¬Ã ¦Ã ¢Ã¢â ¬Ã ¦ Followers able, willing, confident Telling Style Give instructions à ¢Ã¢â ¬Ã ¦Ã ¢Ã¢â ¬Ã ¦Ã ¢Ã¢â ¬Ã ¦Ã ¢Ã¢â ¬Ã ¦Ã ¢Ã¢â ¬Ã ¦Ã ¢Ã¢â ¬Ã ¦Ã ¢Ã¢â ¬Ã ¦Ã ¢Ã¢â ¬Ã ¦ Followers unable, unwilling, not confident Low High Hersy Blanchard model map each leadership style to each maturity level, as shown below. Maturity Level Appropriate Leadership Style M1: Low Maturity S1: Telling/Directing M2: Medium Maturity, limited skills S2: Selling/ Coaching M3: Medium maturity, higher skills but lacking confidence S3: Participating/Supporting M4: High Maturity S4: Delegating To use this model, reflect on the maturity of individuals within team. The table shows which leadership style Hersey and Blanchard consider the most effective for people with that level of maturity. Unlike many other leadership theories, this approach does not have empirical research findings to justify and support the underpinning on which it stands. As a result, there is ambiguity regarding how the approach conceptualizes certain aspects of leadership. It does not explain how subordinates move from low development levels to high development level nor is it clears in explaining how commitment changes over time for subordinates. Also, the model does not clearly define how to match leader behavior from one situation to another (Draft 1999). Vroom and Jago 2007investigated that overwhelming focus of this theory was on one situational variable (the maturity of followers) and thus other important contextual characteristics within which interactions take place are ignored. According to assumption of model, followers maturity is taken as independent variable while task related leaders behavior is taken as dependent variable. However, it remains one of the better-known contingency theo ries of leadership and offers important insights into the interaction between subordinates ability and leadership style. Path-Goal Theory: Path-goal theory first appeared in the leadership literature in early 1970s in work of Evan (1970) and House (1971). Path-goal theory emphasized the relationship between leaders style and characteristics of the subordinates and work-setting. This theory was based on expectancy theory (Vroom 1964), which suggests that subordinates will be motivated if they think they are capable of performing their work (path instrumentality), if they believe their efforts will result in certain outcomes (expectancy) and if they believe that the reward for doing their work are worthwhile (valence). In this perspective, leaders behavior is dependent upon subordinates needs, desires and task characteristics. Therefore, path goal theory is designated to explain how leaders can help subordinates along the path to their goals by selecting specific behaviors that are best suited to subordinate needs and to situations in which subordinates are working. By choosing appropriate style, leaders can give rise specific motives related to task through rewards in order to achieve goals. House (1971) identifies four leaders behavior. These are achievement oriented, directive, participative and supportive. Leaders behaviors are contingent to the environment factors and followers characteristics. In contrast to Fiedlers view, a leader could not change his or her behavior, but House assumes that leaders are flexible. In other words, path goal theory assumes that same leader can display any or all of these leadership styles depending upon the situation. Path-goal theory proposes two classes of situational or contingency variables that moderate the leader -behavior outcome relationship: environmental/task characteristics that are outside the control of followers (e.g. task design, formal system of authority)- these have a major impact on the way a leaders behavior influence followers level of motivation. Second is subordinates/followers characteristics (e.g. locus of control, experience) these determine how a leaders behavior is interrupted by subordinates in a particula r work context (Northouse, 2007). Environmental contingency factors Task Design Primary Workgroup Formal System of Authority Leaders Behavior Outcomes Directive Performance Supportive Job satisfaction Participative Achievement Oriented Subordinates Contingence Factors Perceived level of task obtained Locus of Control Need for affiliation Authoritarianism Experience The theory proposes that leaders behavior will be ineffective when its redundant with sources of environmental structure or incongruent with follower characteristics. When followers needs are there, there is desire for leader intervention. Moreover, he described certain situations in which leaders interventions have positive impact and in which negative influence. It has been investigated that employee performance and satisfaction is likely to be positively influenced when the leader compensates for shortcomings in either the employee or in the work setting. However, if the leader spends time in explaining tasks that are routine tasks and are clear or when the employees has the ability and experience to handle them without leaders intervention, the employee is likely to see such directive behavior as redundant or even insulting. Based on these theoretical reasons, one can easily conclude that leaders intervention is dependent upon work settings. In some work settings leaders intervention is highly valued while in others have no value or even considered as negative. Later on, this notion became base for evolution of substitutes for leadership and followers need for leadership.
Sunday, October 13, 2019
Personal Narrative about Smoking Marijuana Essay examples -- Drugs Nar
Sniffed Out "All right chief, puff, puff, pass!" This reminder of smokerââ¬â¢s etiquette attempts to rise from the back seat, but the bumping speakers drown it out. I am in the driverââ¬â¢s seat of my car, floating on a thick cloud of music and smoke. My eyes close, my lungs fill, my head nods and becomes lost inside a hip-hop haze of bass, high hats, and trumpets. Just before Big Boi introduces his ââ¬Å"Spottieottiedopaliscious Angelâ⬠a hand cuts through the smoke and whacks me in the back of the head. Leaving the music, I turn around, take a huge toke, give the middle finger (all in good fun), and pass the joint to the backseat. For the next twenty minutes my friends and I sit in my car, parked, windows up, seats laid back, and fill every crack and crevice with the sweet smell of marijuana smoke. We arenââ¬â¢t drug dealers or dope fiends. We are just four high school seniors getting prepared for class. Even though this ritual had been a part of our mornings since sophomore year, it became easier to carry out when the school selected us for the aptly named Joint Enrollment program (some might say we took the name a little too literally). On Monday, Wednesday, and Friday mornings we attended an English class at the local college before going to school. Our Tuesday and Thursday mornings were completely open. Even the days we had Joint Enrollment allowed us forty minutes of free-time before second period. The clock flashed 9:20 and three doors promptly opened. Smoke billowed from the car like a shelled out bomb crater. Everyone went to their cars and the caravan to second period commenced. Rubbing my eyes, I turned the ignition, falling into the back of the line. I came around the curve and pulled into the turning lane leading to sch... ...ho sang in the choir at my church, was standing at the top of the hill next to the principal, some teachers, and the superintendent. They all watched me with spite. The next day I woke up thinking that I was the same person I was the day before. I thought I was still the kid who was an honor student and multi-sport athlete. I thought I was the same person who had been active in church since he was a kid and was praised by the entire congregation. I thought I was the same person who always looked out for his family and visited his grandparents twice a week. I know that I never quit being this person, but as far as the rest of the community was concerned, he was put to death in the parking lot in front of the high school doors. They immediately forgot about the former me, and replaced him with a deceitful, drug dealing dope fiend. Hey, but at least I didnââ¬â¢t go to jail.
Saturday, October 12, 2019
A Plan to Invest in Real Estate Despite the Recession Essay -- Real Es
The Great Recession has shuffled the deck of playing cards. Seasoned investors and first-time home buyers alike have been hit ââ¬â and hit hard. The challenging and volatile real estate market has created a flood of distressed asset sales all across the nation. However, the flipside to the coin of disaster and distress is almost always opportunity. Now that I have acquired $150,000 in cash to purchase distressed real estate, my detailed strategy below outlines exactly how I will personally benefit, and perhaps more importantly, how the community I invest in will benefit. First I will outline the basics: what I would buy with the cash (distressed apartments), where I would buy (San Jose, CA), how I would buy (my investment strategy) and why I would buy (a personal profit analysis). Then, I will outline my plan to pay it forward ââ¬â to translate my newfound experience to help other first-time investors safely and knowledgably purchase their own distressed assets. I will add value to the community through a three-pronged approach of live seminars, online outreach, and a mentorship program. PERSONAL BENEFIT What to Buy: Distressed Apartments To properly understand how I would invest the $150,000 for personal profit and community benefit, we must first understand what I would buy. While there are a plethora of distressed real estate assets on the market, from single family homes to multi-tenant retail centers, I believe the most feasible and simplest starting place for a first-time investor is residential apartments, one to four units. For most people, buying a home and renting it out, or buying a fourplex and renting it out is not as farfetched as buying the local distressed strip mall. One to four unit rentals are not only easy... ... of 20.34%. However, the community will be the real winner as I implement my three-pronged community contribution campaign of Live Seminars, Online Outreach, and a Mentorship Program. My plan will create a strong momentum of first time investors purchasing distressed assets and repairing the deferred maintenance. This grassroots movement will focus on repairing distressed assets and safe investment practices. It will create new demand for distressed assets, reversing the downward spiral of prices for such assets. It will also prevent future distressed asset meltdowns by teaching safe investing practices. Works Cited Nadji, Hessam. "2011 Apartment Research Market Report for San Jose Metro Area." Diss. Marcus and Millichap, 2011. Print. Nadji, Hessam. "2011 Real Estate Investment Research National Apartment Report." Diss. Marcus and Millichap, 2011. Print.
Friday, October 11, 2019
Remembering Event
I remember that day very clearly. It was Halloween October 31, 2003. It was a school day, a long school day as I recall. It was a long day because the next day was important for me; I had the SAT test and my very last home volleyball game. It was my senior night. I was in frenzy all day. I remember English class and my teacher returned my ââ¬Å"About Youâ⬠essay. I read over it one last time to see how I scored, and was glad to receive an A on the paper. I read the part about my best friend, Ginny Blackburn. I remember writing about some of our childhood memories and games. I read the paper with a smile on my face. I thought about Ginny for a moment because we had always spent Halloween trick-or-treating together. Like last year, we werenââ¬â¢t going to this year either. I thought about how far apart we had grown in the past few years. I always had that on my mind. I remember as I was on my way to class, I saw Ginny walking down the hall in my direction. When we came close to each other, I smiled at her. She didnââ¬â¢t seem to notice. I didnââ¬â¢t even say ââ¬Ëhello. ââ¬â¢ I will always regret not saying hello to her that day. That night I watched a movie with a couple of girl friends. I ended up going home early because I was a little worn out and knew tomorrow was a big day. I crawled into bed as soon as I got home. I remember that I didnââ¬â¢t sleep well that night; my mind was racing. Eventually, I must have fallen asleep because the phone call at exactly 2:00 in the morning startled me. My mom ran down stairs to get it. I heard that tone in her voice that you hear when something is very wrong. I thought first of my grandma. I could tell by her voice something bad had happened. I felt a knot in my stomach and my eyes started to burn. She came upstairs past my room, but I asked her what had happened. She told me that the phone call was from Tammy, Ginnyââ¬â¢s mom. She called to ask for prayers because there has been a terrible accident. Ginny and her boyfriend, David, were in it. My mom told me that David didnââ¬â¢t make it. I didnââ¬â¢t know David very well. She told me Ginny was seriously injured and had to be flown to a hospital in Kalispell. She told me to stay in bed. I didnââ¬â¢t say anything. I wouldnââ¬â¢t believe it and I couldnââ¬â¢t comprehend it. The accident was a few miles away from our house and Tammy had been the one to find it. My mom went to help. I remember hearing the helicopter drive over my house and back again as I prayed to God over and over again. I cried in my bed feeling lost and helpless. The next day was tormenting. In fact, the whole next week was the worst of my life. The doctors gave Ginny a twenty percent chance of living. Those chances just werenââ¬â¢t good enough for me. It was a difficult time for me, but I tried hard not to show it in school. I let my pain go only when I was alone. Tammy called us often to let us know if it was a good day or a bad day for Ginny. In the car accident, Ginny had hit her head and most of the damage was in her brain. I didnââ¬â¢t get to see her until the next weekend. It is almost as if I didnââ¬â¢t realize what had happened until I saw her. She was under an induced coma. She looked very different. Her face was puffy and bruised. There were a lot of tubes going in every direction. It felt strange to see her in that bed. I got to hold her hand and talk to her, but couldnââ¬â¢t stay for very long. I went back to Kalispell to see Ginny every weekend. She was in a coma for a whole month and didnââ¬â¢t give much response. It was great news when she gave signs of reaction. Eventually, she started to open her eyes, but we couldnââ¬â¢t really tell if she saw us. I got to read to her and talk to her more often. Every week there were huge signs of recovery. She was clearly getting better and better every day. I know that God was there for Ginny in that hospital. She had many prayers for her and her family. She was moved to intensive care and later, from intensive care to rehab. In the hospital, Ginny was known as the miracle child. She beat the odds and did it in style. Ginny was expected to have a metal plate put in her head and to have her sinuses rebuilt, but it all healed perfectly on its own. I remember when she could finally smile. It was uplifting to everybody. When the doctors thought Ginny was ready to communicate they told her to give a thumbs up for yes and a thumbs down for no. She surprised them when they asked her if she understood by shaking her head yes. Ginny is definitely a miracle child. During those difficult months for her in the hospital, she relearned how to do everything. The day she came home was very likely one of the happiest days of her life. She was so excited to come home and we were all excited to have her come home. That week when I did not know whether my best friend, the friend who I grew up with, would make it, was very hard for me. I know that having Ginny in the hospital was one of the most difficult times I will ever have to face. I am there for Ginny now. We spend time doing things together. Life throws curves and you have to go with them. I am going to be by her side through her recovery and after. Though Ginny is the one who has gone through such an extreme difficulty, I would like to think that I was there and will be there to help her overcome it.
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